• 新标准英语第六册They were very young

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    授课老师:  邱慧敏


    点评人:郭红英 郑良栋

    • 教材分析

    新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册第七模块主题为描述过去与现在的变化。整个模块的教学分为三个课时,本堂课是第七模块第一课时,主要内容为Amy 到Lingling家做客时, 对墙上的老照片充满好奇,问Lingling照片中的人是谁,Lingling分别作了回答,同时比较了照片上人物过去和现在的变化。要求掌握的单词有was, were, young, beautiful, then, grandparents;要求掌握的句型有I/ He/ She/ It was/ wasn’t…You /They were/ weren’t…How old was he/she?本课主要语法是运用过去式描述过去的特征与状态,比较现在与过去。本课的语言功能是了解并掌握“描述人物过去情况”的基本表达形式,其中描述过去的特征与状态的语法在小学教材中首次出现。

    • 教学目标分析


    • 功能:了解“描述人物过去情况”的基本表达形式。

    • 单词:was, were, young, beautiful, then, grandparents

    • 句型: I/ He/ She/ It was/ wasn’t…;You /They were/ weren’t…;How old was he/she? ;He/ She was…

    • 语法:运用过去式描述过去的特征与状态,比较现在与过去。


    • 能灵活运用was, were描述过去的特征与状态

    • 能运用本课所学句型完成任务:以描述照片中同学的过去,对比其现在的变化,让同伴们猜猜照片中的人是谁。

    • 能自主听读课文及关于changes的扩展阅读材料。


    • 激发学习热情,敢于开口表达真实的生活

    • 通过相互了解小时候的情况,增进同学间的友谊

    • 学习者特征分析


            学生是三年级实验班的学生,进行跨越式试验了三年多了,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,思维较活跃,有创新精神,表达欲望强烈,能积极配合老师,参与跨越式课堂   活动。


    • 教材中第一次出现过去时态句型,was, were学生第一次接触
    • 学会运用过去时态was, were描述事物过去的性格和特点
    • 能够借助PPT进行一定的情景会话,两两说



    • 教学策略


    • 资源准备
    • 本课在多媒体网络教室中进行。

    • 外研社教材第六册及本来配套的CD-ROM

    • 学生用的多媒体网络课件

    • 教学用的PPT课件

    • 活动过程设计与分析


    1. Say a chant. This is a naughty monkey.
    2. Play a guessing game.

    T: The dog is very clever, right?

    S: Yes.

    T: Are you clever?

    S: Yes.

    T: Really? Let me look who is the cleverest in our class?

    S: OK.

    T: Now let’s play a Memory game. I will give you 9 words. Please remember them as fast as you can. After 15 seconds, I will turn over the words. Please look at the pictures and say what they like: The monkey is thin, OK?

    S: OK.

    T: At first, let’s read these words. Then I will give you 15 seconds to remember.


    Step2.Revision: Talk about the animals in the pictures.

    1. Show some pictures and practise in pairs.

    1) Lead-in

    T: You are so clever. Jenny, you are so clever, too.

    Can talk with Miss Qiu now?

    S: Yes.

    T: (P1) What’s this?

    S: It’s a pig.

    T: What’s it like?

    S: It’s fat.

    T: Do you like pigs?

    S: Yes, I do.

    T: Why?

    S: Because it’s very cute.

    2) Now please choose one picture to talk with your partner, OK?

    3) Feedback


    Step3. Present

    1. Lead-in: Guess, who is she?

    T: Look, there is an old photo. Do you want to know who she is? She is one of our teachers. She was 4 then. She was very cute and very beautiful. But now she is tall and her hair is long. She is a Chinese teacher.

    Who is she?

    S: She is Miss WU.

    T: You’re so clever. Miss Wu has changed a lot. Everyone has changed a lot when you are growing up, including you and me. Right?

    S: Yes.

    2. Present the task

    Today we’ll share our old photos together and talk about our changes. OK?

    设计意图:通过让学生看教师自己小时候的照片,让学生比较现在与过去有什么不一样的地方,激发学生的兴趣,从而引出本节课的主题“talk about our changes”

    3.Learn the text on Internet and answer the questions.

    1. Lead-in

    T: Look, who is she?

    S: She’s Lingling.

    T: What was Lingling like when she was a small child? Do you want to know?

    S: Yes.

    T: Now Lingling is talking some old photos about her grandparents and her with Amy.

    1. Read the questions.

    There are 3 questions about the reading, please read them.

    Q1: How old was Lingling then?

    Q2: What was Lingling like then?

    Q3: What were Lingling’s grandparents like then?

    1. Learn to say Reading1

    Please go to Reading1 and learn to read.

    4) Answer the questions.

    Learn to say: young.

    “Then” it means at that time.

    5) Compare the pictures and find the changes.

    • Compare the pictures

    (P Lingling)

    What was Lingling like then?

    She was cute and naughty. Her hair was short.

    What is she like now?

    Her hair is long.

    (P GP)

    What were her grandparents like then?

    They were young.

    What are they like now?

    They are old.

    (Point to S)

    T: What were you like as a small child?

    S: I was …

    T: What are you like now?

    S: I was …

    • Can you find the different between past and now?

    When we talk about past, we use the words---was, were

    When we talk about now, we use the words---am, is, are

    Read the words: was, were

    设计意图:情境引入后,设置相应的问题让学生自主听读课文的内容,然后通过对问题的反馈,引导学生学习本课的重点内容:be动词过去式was, were的用法及根据照片对过去及现在的描述。

    4.Talk about some people’s change in the photos.

    1. Lead-in

    There are some pictures about past and now. Who can talk with me about them?

    2. Give the example.

    (PPT1) T: Who’s he?

           S: He’s …

           T: How old was he then?

           S: He was 30.

           T: What was he like then?

    S: He was fat then.

           T: What is he like now?

           S: Now he is thin.

    (PPT2) Now please look at other pictures.

    T: Who are they?

           S: They are….

           T: How old were they then?

           S: They were 18.

           T: What were they like then?

    S: They were thin and young then.

           T: What are they like now?

           S: Now they are fat and old.

    3. Please Click Practice and choose one picture to talk with your partners.

    4. Feedback.


    Step4. Extensive reading about changes.

    1. Lead-in

    Everyone is changing. And everything is changing in our life, too. Miss Qiu has prepared two dialogues and two readings about changes for you. Please choose two of them to read, and then I’ll check up your learning, OK?

    1. Learn to say Dialogue1&2 and Reading2&3.


    A: Who are they, Jenny?

    B: They are my parents.

    A: How old were they then?

    B: My father was 25. And my mother was 22.

    A: They were very young then.

      Your father was thin. And your mother was beautiful.

    B: Yes.

    A: What about them now?

    B: My father is a little fat. And my mother is beautiful, too.

      They were very healthy(健康的).


    Oh, look! She is a lovely baby. She is a girl. She was only one then. And she was cute and her face was round. She was beautiful, too. But now she is a student and she is tall. She is very good at English. She is a clever girl. And she likes pet dogs very much.


    Changing (I)

    Many years ago, Carole’s grandmother was a Chinese teacher. She was very young then. She worked at Carole’s school. All the children liked her. She was a very kind teacher. Now she is old and she is a little fat. She doesn’t work. But she still(依然)likes children. She helps Carole and her friends with their homework. She reads them stories. Carole and her friends are very happy.

    Q1: What was Carole’s grandmother?

    Q2: What does Carole’s grandmother look like(看起来)?


    Changing (II)

    Our life is changing (改变)a lot. Many years ago(许多年前), there weren’t any buses in the street(街道). But now there are lots of cars and buses. Lots of peoples live in big houses now. But we live in a small and old house many years ago. We have a lot of food and watch TV everyday now. But many years ago, there weren’t any televisions and we didn’t have any enough food. Now we have good coats, computers and planes. But we didn’t have these things many years ago. Life is changing better and better(越来越好). We are happier and happier.

    Q1: What did our life look like many years ago?

    Q2: How is life changing?

    1. Feedback

    1) Now let’s see who reads carefully and can compare the pictures.

    2) Have you read changing (I)? Can you answer these 2 questions?


    Step5.Guess, who is he/she?

    1. Give the example.

    T: I have another picture. Who is she? Do you want to know?

      Who wants to guess? Listen carefully..

    Look, she is a girl. She was 4 then. She was very cute. She was a little fat and her face was very round. And she was naughty. Look, she was phoning. Who is she?

    But now she is tall. And she is an English teacher. She teaches Class4 Grade3. She likes shopping. Who is she?

    S: She is Miss Qiu.

    T: Very clever. Now you can keep the photo. Here you are.

    S: Thank you.

    T: Then you can describe your photos and let me guess.

    If I guess right, I will keep the photo. Then I will talk with others.

    At last, let’s see who got the most photos.

    T: I have prepared some classmates’ photos in your desk. Please take out and talk with your classmate and guess, OK?

    1. Complete the task.
    2. Feedback and guess.
    1. Who got the most photos?
    2. Who can share the old photos in your hand?
    1. Sum-up

    Life is changing. So we should treasure everyday, right?


    Step6: Assignment

    1. Type a short composition about your changes on Happy English.

    2. Preview the text Module7 Unit 2.

    3. Finish the activity book P26. 1&2

    • 专家点评


    1、语法教学重难点解决得当,体现了 “以语言运用为中心”的教学思想





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    • 进行
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 过去
    • 现在
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    • lingling
    • 描述
    • look
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