• 技术、创新、媒体与教育全球会议

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    • 会议全称(中文)


    • 会议全称(英文)

    The Global Conference on Technology, innovation, media and Education

    • 会议主题

    1. Advanced Technologies for Learning and Teaching
    2. Assessment and Research
    3. Educational Policy, Reform, and Innovation
    4. Evaluation and Quality Improvement Advances
    5. Global Networks, Partnerships, and Exchanges
    6. Innovative Approaches to Learning and Learning Environments
    7. Open Education
    8. Technologies for Socially Responsive Learning
    9. Virtual and Distance Education

    • 会议子议题

    1. Cloud computing, Collaborative technologies, E-publishing/digital libraries, Learning management systems and environments, learning portfolios, Mobile teaching and learning technologies, Shared online video, social networks, Videoconferencing, Web 2.0 technologies
    2. Alternative and innovative assessment methods, Assessment practices in cross-cultural and international research, Best practices in assessment
    3. Contextualized innovation, Education reform with technology, Government initiatives and programs, Policy issues and trends, Quality assurance and accreditation, Teacher education and technology integration
    4. Best practices in evaluation, Course, program, project, and other forms of evaluation, E-learning benchmarks and standards, Evaluating for quality improvement
    5. Global competencies and perspectives, Global courses, programs, degrees, and initiatives, Global learning barriers, challenges, and concerns, Global learning communities, Global learning partnerships and innovations, Global studies and education
    6. Authentic, contextualized, and real-world learning, Case, Scenario, Problem, Project -based learning, Collaborative learning, Communities of practice, Electronic Performance Support Systems, Game-based learning, Learner-centered, and self-directed learning, Learning communities, Learning management and support systems, Lifelong, informal, and nontraditional learning, On-demand and just-in-time learning, Participatory learning and media, Personalized learning environments, Simulations for learning, Virtual reality learning environments
    7. Free and open source software, Learning portals, Localization of content and knowledge, Online language learning, Open access publishing, Open courses, open learning, and open educational resources, Open education copyright and other legal issues, Open educational projects, partnerships, and consortia, Open teaching, Participatory/contributory communities
    8. Digital divide issues, initiatives, and cases, Digital and social media for engaging youth about cultures, Diversity training, Education for sustainable development, Environmental education, Ethical, cultural, historical, and social issues in technology use, Global education online films, documentaries, news, and other media, Learning technologies for transformational change, Rural community learning and technology, Technology solutions for marginalized populations, Technology uses in cross-cultural and multicultural contexts
    9. Blended learning, E-learning/E-training, Flexible learning, Innovative online learning and educational programming, Mobile and ubiquitous learning, Online learning environments

    • 会议概述

    The Global TIME online conference serves as a means to connect and engage creative educators, researchers, consultants, training managers, policy makers, curriculum developers, entrepreneurs, and others in the topics and fields in which they are passionate.

    • 会议相关网址
    • 会议时间

    February 22-24, 2011

    • 标签:
    • Global Time
    • education
    • 学术会议
    • 教育技术学
    • 学习元
    • learning
    • global
    • open
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