• Blended learning

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    • Blended learning solutions

    BLENDED LEARNING COMBINES the engaging benefits of traditional instructor led training with the advantages brought by a variety of technologies to create an optimum program. This article defines blended learning and its advantages; it presents two approaches and five specific models as examples of blended learning solutions.

    • What is the recipe for blended learning?

    Blended learning is the combination of different training "media": technologies, activities, and types of events to create an optimum training program for a specific audience. Blended learning programs use many different forms of e-learning, perhaps complemented with instructor-led training and other live formats (Bershin, 2004). 

    • What are the benefits of Blended Learning?

    Cost Reduction: Live instructor-led training translates into transportation, hotel, food, and other expenses. Blended learning reduces these costs by reducing instructor-led sessions to the minimum necessary. 

    Distance Barriers Eliminated. By combining various e-learning methods with instructor-led training, the learners may access the knowledge from wherever they are until they must meet face-to-face with the instructor. 

    Time Flexibiltiy: Blended solutions offer self-study modules which can be completed by the learner whenever he/she chooses to do so instead of having to be present at the instructor-led session. 

    • Two different approaches to Blended Learning



    According to Josh Bershin (2004) the program flow approach allows learners to feel engaged and can plan theri training over time. In addition, it enables you to formally track progress, step by step; it is easy to follow as well as mofify and maintain (pg. 63). 

    The previous Core and Spoke approach is an example of a Semiconductor Manufacturer Process Certification (Bershin, 2004). This approach is easier to build in stages. The key is to build the core curricula and add supplemental materials over time. According to Basin, this approach assumes self-motivated learners and is very flexible, allowing you to tailor a program to learners' individual styles and interests (pg. 78).

    • Five Specific Blended Learning Models



    • reference

    Susie Alvarez ,Alvarez, S. (2005). Blended learning solutions. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved from 
    Bershin, J. (2004). The blended book of learning. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

    • 标签:
    • blended
    • instructor-led
    • bershin
    • 2004
    • learners
    • learning
    • training
    • program
    • specific
    • approach
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