• Connecting with classroom Websites

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    • Introduction

    "NO MOM, I DON'T HAVE ANY HOMEWORK!" How many times have parents heard this excuse? With the implementation of a classroom website, perhaps we could believe our children when they tell us they do not have homework. Parents often feel disconnected with their child’s classroom, particularly if they are working parents. Along with this parent connection, teachers struggle with making objectives, expectations, and announcements clear and readily available to parents. Students in elementary school are just beginning to learn to be responsible for themselves, but they are notorious for being forgetful or noncommunicative with their parents. In order to solve this communication gap, a website can be set up to provide and interconnection between parents, teachers, and students.

    • No Excuses: Student Users

    By the time students arrive home, eat their snack, and spend some time focused on video games or extracurricular activities; they may not remember the specifics of assignments, requirements, or due dates. With the availability of a classroom website, students will no longer have the excuse that they cannot remember assignments or events. Teachers can include reminders and details that will help students to be more independent, and not give the excuse "I didn't remember " or "I didn't understand what to do." In addition, a classroom website enhances the feeling of community and connectivity. This is particularly important with young people. 


    Students can check on their assignments

    to make sure they have everything turned in.

    • Instant Information: Parent Users

    Parents often feel a disconnection with the events and school community. This is particularly true of working parents that do not have the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom or participate in school events. A website can help parents stay connected with their children and school. In addition to the feeling of connection, the availability of homework assignments as well as online grade posting and event listings will allow parents to check in on their child's progress and expectations.

    Children are also notorious for responding "nothing" when asked that age old question: "What did you learn today at school?" With a classroom website, the teacher can include major points of learning in all subject areas. 


    Parents can no longer claim to be shocked!

    • Off the Hook: Teacher Users

    Offering a classroom website enhances the feeling of connection between students, parents, and teachers. But what other benefit does the teacher receive from posting a website? Release from blame! A teacher that does not utilize a classroom website is responsible for informing parents of their child's progress. This information must be relayed through written progress reports, phone calls, or conferences. A website can be used to enhance this communication. If the teacher includes an online grade section in their classroom website, this puts the responsibility back on the parent. Parents often seem shocked when their child is not progressing as they would like. They will frequently try to turn the blame around to the teacher, asking "why wasn't I informed?" With the availability of grades online, their students' progress is always available to them, 24 hours a day. Students can also check on their progress, compare their grades from the beginning of the year, and use the online grading as a motivator to improve. 


    Teachers can be left off the hook of blame.

    • Innovative Homework: Meaningful Assignments

    Another aspect of connectivity through websites, is the assignment of meaningful homework. A website can be a command center for a variety of assignments. In addition to simply posting the assignment for the day, teachers can also create downloads that can be filled in and printed from home. Perhaps a teacher would like proof that a student read completed an assigned reading. A short survey response or emailed summary can provide the proof. Imagine, also, the elimination of fumbling and filing of homework papers! If students are given online assignments, a teacher can simply check on their progress via their computer! Most children are eager to spend time on computers. When assignments involve the use of computers, students who are often reluctant workers, suddenly become a little more enthusiastic to complete assignments. 


    Kids do better when they enjoy what they are doing.

    • Creative Connection: Finding Sources

    So you think that maintaining a classroom website has definite benefits that you would like to explore? You don't have to be a technology expert in order to provide a website connection for your students and families. There are many online service providers available for teachers. In the example of inetteacher, there is no need to know html coding. In fact, you don't have to house your website on your computer at all! All of the creating takes place online, which makes editing and revising available on any computer connected to the internet. There is also a online grading program that you can easily link to your website. Inetteacher is not the only provider that offers this service. Conduct a google search for classroom website hosting to find out more information.

    For an example of a classroom website using the inetteacher provider, click here. 


    Ready to cut down on your own

    homework load? Create a classroom website.

    • Reference

    Kimberly A. Allard
    Graduate student
    Educational Technology

    Allard, K. (2005). Connecting with classrooms Websites. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from file:///D:/实验室/eet/articles/connectweb/start.htm

    • 标签:
    • website
    • teacher
    • assignments
    • homework
    • students
    • online
    • progress
    • classroom
    • websites
    • connection
    • connecting
    • parents
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