• Captology

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    • Computers influence our thoughts and actions

    THE STUDY OF COMPUTERS as persuasive technologies is called Captology. Captology focuses on the design, research and analysis of interactive computing products created for the purpose of changing people's attitudes and behaviors (Fogg, B.J, 2003).

    • Persuasive technologies act in 3 distinct ways, but mostly as a mixture:

    • Tools increase capability:

    Reduction technologies make target behaviors easier by reducing a complex activity to a few simple steps (or ideally to a single step). One of the most explicit theories that attempts to describe our natural inclination to do a cost/benefit assessment is expectancy theory. This theory posits that behavior results from expectations about what alternatives will maximize pleasure and minimize pain.

    • How can computers simplify political input?

    Capwiz simplifies writing to and

     contacting politicians. (Figure 1)

    CapitolAdvantage has the goal to "empower, activate, educate, and mobilize constituencies to influence policymakers and the media to achieve objectives". In other words, get people involved in public affairs. You don't have to:

                            Search for a name or address;

                            Search for paper;
                            Search for stamps; 
                            Leave your home.

    Capwiz also has a template letter that can be used for sending large volumes of letters to government officials.

    Self-monitoring technologies perform tedious calculations or measurements, helping people achieve goals or outcomes. Ideally, these technologies work in real-time, giving users immediate feedback on a performance or status. When people can take immediate action on a persuasive message, psychologists have found the message to be more persuasive than when presented at other times.

    Self-monitoring technologies perform tedious calculations or measurements, helping people achieve goals or outcomes. Ideally, these technologies work in real-time, giving users immediate feedback on a performance or status. When people can take immediate action on a persuasive message, psychologists have found the message to be more persuasive than when presented at other times.

    • How can computers enhance physical conditioning?

    Heart rate monitors help people modify their physical behavior so their heart rate remains in a pre-determined zone. Many produce a tone drawing the user's attention to the device when their heart rate is out of the zone. Tempo devices also provide immediate feedback. They can produce force-feedback or tones to indicate when a foot should touch the ground while running, or when a hand should enter the water while swimming. 


    Polar enables users to monitor

    their heart rates (Figure 2)

    • Mediums provide experience:

    Providing a motivating simulated environment in which to rehearse a behavior can enable people to change their attitudes or behavior in the real world. About 10% of the general population has a phobia toward something, such as public speaking, heights or flying. Virtual reality therapy technologies can help people change their phobic attitudes and reactions.

    • Principle of virtual rehearsal

    Providing a motivating simulated environment in which to rehearse a behavior can enable people to change their attitudes or behavior in the real world. 


    Virtually Better uses Virtual Reality (VR) Therapy conducted

    in the therapist's office, eliminating the need for travel to the

    airport. The patient enters the computer generated passenger cabin

     of a virtual airplane in which they experience the various aspects of flying.

     A head-mounted display, stereo sound and tactile stimulation are provided.
    (Figure 3)


    • Figure Credits
    • Figure 1  from the Capitol Advantage web site,
    • Figure 2  from the Polar web site,
    • Figure 3  from the Virtually Better web site,

    • Author

    Markus Eklund


    • 标签:
    • technologies
    • persuasive
    • captology
    • figure
    • virtual
    • immediate
    • attitudes
    • behavior
    • people
    • heart
    • products
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