• Anchored Instruction

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    • Introduction

    ANCHORED INSTRUCTION IS A LEARNING STRATEGY that situates or "anchors" instruction in a realistic case-study, or problem-solving situation. Anchored Instruction challenges and motivates learners to find the story’s embedded data thru a realistic, narrative, storyline format.
    Learners use this data to solve complex and interconnected subproblems within the "macrocontext," by employing problem solving and critical thinking skills. Consequently, learners generate the solution that will ultimately be the story’s ending. Learners tend to transfer skills and link subject matter to other contexts as a result of Anchored Instruction’s realistic story settings, characters and events. (Crews, 1997) 




    • Theory Principles

     Anchored Instruction is based on two principles:
    "Learning and teaching activities should be designed around an ’anchor’ which should be some sort of case-study or problem situation.
    Curriculum materials should allow exploration by the learner (e.g., interactive videodisc programs)." (Kearsley, 1994-2004)



        “学习和教学活动的设计应该围绕一个‘锚点’展开,这个‘锚点’应该是某种案例分析或者问题情境。应该允许学习者自己探索课程材料(比如,交互式的影碟节目)。”(Kearsley, 1994-2004


    • Design Principles

    Anchored Instruction’s model uses seven interwoven and interdependent cognitive and instructional design principles to create instruction:
    Generative learning format enhances learner motivation by allowing learners to create or "generate" the story’s ending by solving open-ended problems.
    Video-based presentation improves on text book learning by adding related background information, animation, graphics, audio, simulation, rich colors and realism.
    Narrative format enhances the story’s setting, characters, initial and ending events that enrich the realism and authenticity of the storyline.
    Problem complexity piques learner’s interests and requires full commitment to follow interrelated steps to solve the problem.
    Embedded data designs peppers the storyline with both needed and unneeded data. As a result, learners become engaged in the exploration and discovery process to identify the problem and search for the pertinent data.
    Opportunities for transfer are created by offering the same subject, such as geometry, within three different, realistic settings that allows learners to view other opportunities to use learned skills and knowledge.
    Links across the curriculum are rooted within a realistic story line, with content that applies to other areas of study. Therefore learners are exposed to these new subject matters that may broaden their views to explore other studies of interest. (Crews, 1997) 

    • An example of anchored instruction

     Jasper Woodbury’s Home Page

    The Jasper Woodbury Problem Solving Series was designed for 5th grade students and above, to help improve their math, science and group collaboration skills. Titled as the "Adventures of Jasper Woodbury", this video-based, instructional package contains 12 stories. The stories cover various topics and areas of study in realistic settings that focus on exploration, problem solving and critical thinking skills. (Bransford, 1989)
    Within Jasper’s typical problem-solving story line, there is a complex problem that has about a dozen steps learners will take to solve it. As the embedded data is presented, learners have the option to record the data or replay the video to find it. A typical video is approximately 17 minutes. Video pauses are at predetermined moments, within the story, for learners to answer intermediate questions and find solutions. Learners will need these solutions to put together the answer to the larger, more complex question, which also creates the story’s ending. More than one solution is okay, and focus is on group problem solving. An example storyline is "Journey to Cedar Creek". (Bransford, 1989; Oliver, 1999a) 

    • Related Learning Strategies

    Anchored Instruction is considered part of the Social Constructivist paradigm, a combination of Goal-Based Scenario model and Problem-Based Learning, and is closely related to the Situated Learning and Cognitive Flexibility Theory (Oliver, 1999b; Kearsley, 1994-2004).

    It provides a solution for:

    Instructional time limitations and the call for more material coverage at a faster pace
    2.More meaningful, relevant, and useful information and learning
    3.Creating student "appreciation for the power of cross contextual applications and common concepts"
    4.Multiple perspectives implementation during problem solving (Cooper, 2004)
    In the Jasper Woodbury Problem Solving Series, its video-based presentation media has limitations. Currently, the video is unable to assist stuck or unmotivated learners. Also, the videodisc media offers no automated tools for leaner assistance.
    However, Anchored Instruction is one of the foremost technology-based paradigms. In 1997, an extension of educational practice theories has emerged called, "Anchored Interactive Learning Environment" (AILE). AILE combines Anchored Instruction, the computer and software applications to create an interactive computer assisted instructional domain where a "suite of tools" is supported and can be utilized to help learners with Anchored Instruction’s complex problem solving. (Cooper, 2004; Crews, 1997)

    • author

    Christina Foster, Education Technology Graduate Student
    Foster, C . (2004). Anchored Instruction. In B. Hoffman (Ed.),

    The Anchored Instruction model was developed between the late 1980s, early 1990s by the Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University, lead by John Bransford. 

    • 标签:
    • problem
    • solving
    • realistic
    • data
    • instruction
    • learners
    • anchored
    • learning
    • 学习者
    • storys
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