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人民教育出版社小学英语六年级上册 Unit3 《My Weekend Plan》

Let's try&let's talk(第一课时)教学设计
丰宁第三小学 张艳燕

教学内容分析:本课由Let's try&Let's talk 两部分组成,是本单元的第一课时;Let’s try部分呈现Mike周六安排的两个问题;Let’s talk部分呈现Sarah和Mike打电话的图片和文本信息;本课的教学内容主要是用“be going to”形式,谈论明天的安排。

  1. 学生能够听音圈出问题的答语
  2. 学生能够在图片和文字辅助下,对文本信息进行猜测
  3. 学生能用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演
  4. 学生能够用I’m going to ...来表达自己将来的计划,并能用:What are you going to do ?来询问伙伴将来的计划,与此同时养成合理计划自己生活的习惯
  5. 学生能够通过阅读,从文本中快速提取关键信息,并根据问题整合信息
  6. 在进行大量的听读输入后,学生能够用He/She is going to ...来表达家人将来的计划
  7. 学生能够结合所学知识,用“be going to ”形式写一写自己及家人的周末计划


  1. 学生能够听说认读词汇“lesson、see a film、Sounds great”
  2. 学生能运用句型:What are you going to do ? I’m going to ......对将来的计划进行问答


  1. Sounds中的ds组合的发音
  2. 学生能在情境中恰当用上“Sounds great ! Have a good time”对别人的计划做出评价

学生情况分析:经过持续的学习,学生已经掌握了很多动词短语,如:do homework,wash clothes, watch TV等等,并且能够利用这些动词短语谈论日常生活,不过用be going to 连接动词,谈论将来的安排,对学生来说是陌生的,学习起来应该有一定的难度,因此在授课时,教师设计的活动,由谈论日常生活过渡到将来的日常生活安排,让学生在潜意识里感受语言的学习
七、 教学过程
 Step 1 :Warming- up 
1. Do and say: 
 2、Free talk
 -Hello!Boys and girls. 
-What day is it today? 
-What day is it tomorrow?
Can you spell....? 
What do you often do on ...?
I usually/sometimes/often...
Ss pratice in pairs 

 Step 2 : Presentation and Practice
 1.Talk about tomorrow’s plan
T: Today is ......I often read books.
What day is it tomorrow ?引导学生回答:Tomorrow is ...教师出示电影院图片,教师问学生:What am I going to do tomorrow?引导学生回答:go to the cinema,紧接着教师出示战狼II图片,教师:I am going to see a film tomorrow .I am going to see Wolf Two.

[设计意图]:出示最近很火的电影“战狼II”,激发学生学习的欲望,并以此为契机,教师谈论明天的安排,引出新句型I’m going to see a film tomorrow.
2.Present“What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to see a film”
T:I am going to see a film tomorrow.What are you going to do tomorrow? 与学生进行交流,引导学生回答:I’m going to ....当学生说到有趣的事情,教师适当的进行评价:Sounds great
Sounds great! Have a good time. 
3.Pair work
Key points:
What are you going to do tomorrow?
I’m going to ...

4.Let’s try
T:I’m going to see a film tomorrow .What about Sarah and Mike?
出示Sarah and Mike 打电话场景,教师问学生:What are they doing ?They are on the phone .What are they talking about ?
Let’s listen and circle
Ss listen and circle
5.Let’s talk
T: Mike is going fishing this afternoon . What is Mike going to do tomorrow?What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?Let’s watch and choose
(  )1.What is Mike going to do tomorrow?
A He is going to read books.
B  He is going to see a film
(  )2.What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?
A  She is going to have an art lesson.
B  She is going to go shopping
Check the answers
Listen and follow the tape
Listen and follow the teacher
Act out the dialogue
Make up a new dialogue
T: Today is ... Tomorrow is ... Oh the weekend is coming
We have no lessons. What are you going to do this weekend ?与学生进行交流,接着学生两两对话交流周末安排。

 [设计意图]:借助Key information及图片,为学生创设说的训练环境,让学生进行语言实践活动,提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,同时还给学生提供展示的平台,进一步培养了学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力。
 Step 3 Extensive Reading
Watch and match
Gogo and his friends will have a happy weekend .Because they will have a concert .What are they going to do ?Let’s watch and match

Students watch and match
Check the answers
Read and answer the questions
What about Chenjie and her family? What are they going to do this weekend? Please read silently and then answer the questions. First you can underline the key points and then you can write.  
Students read the article and answer the questions

Step 4 Extensive Speaking
Chen Jie’s mother is going to buy some food this weekend.
Chen Jie’s father is going to visit his friends this weekend.
Chen Jie is going to play football and see a film this weekend.
What about your family ? What is your mother going to do ?

What is your father going to do ?What are you going to do ?
Step5 Writing
Can you write ? Look!This is weekend plan .教师展示周末计划,学生构思自己的周末计划并进行写作

Unit 3 My Weekend Plan 
What are you going to do tomorrow? 
I’m going to see a film.




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