• 黄小超 Revision-Unit 6 Happy birthday!

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    矩形 222

    PEP Grade 3 上册Unit 6 Happy Birthday

    No. 13 Primary School 佛山市第十三小学 黄小超


    本课是PEP三年级上册Unit 6的复习课,该单元的重点词汇为one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten等数词,重点句型为How many…? It’s…。通过使用绘本“Counting kisses”,帮助学生复习巩固数字、身体部位以及家庭成员的单词,并在此基础上进行词汇的拓展与运用。


    1. 学生能够听、说、认读该单元的单词,认读绘本中有关身体部位、家庭成员的单词和描述身体部位的形容词;

    2. 学生能够能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用重点句型问答;

    3. 学生能够理解故事大意,在概念图的帮助下复述故事, 并且能够在小组中表演故事;

    4. 通过阅读绘本故事,培养学生的学习兴趣。


    1. 复习重点词汇,并学习更多有关身体部位的单词:toe, button, chin, 家庭成员的单词:sister, grandma,以及描述身体部位的形容词:tiny, busy, belly, little, closing, tired

    2. 学生能够理解故事大意,在概念图的帮助下复述故事, 并且能够在小组中表演故事;


    Teaching stages

    Teacher’s talk

    Student’s activities

    Stage 1. Warm up and lead in.

    1. Greeting.

    2. –Sharp eyes.

    T: What’s this?

    3. Let’s do. ( textbook P25)


    Say out the vocabulary of body

    Say the chant and mime the action.(TPR)

    Stage 2. Reading

    1. Before reading

    Talk about the cover.

    -What do you see?


    -The name of the story is Counting kisses.

    T: What is a kiss? How many kisses?

    2. 1st reading

    - Listen, read and answer the questions.

    T: What can you see?

    -Yes, we see kisses on …(教师边说边贴板书。)

    3. 2nd reading

    -Read the story book and reorder the bodies on the board.

    T: Where are the kisses on?


    T: How many kisses on the ...


    T: Who kisses the baby girl?

    Mum, grandma, dog, cat, sister, dad

    4. Retell the story twice.

    -Look at the blackboard and the mind-map, try to retell the story.

    1st: Teacher Asks: … on tiny toes.

    2nd: Teacher answer: Ten kisses …

    Answer the questions

    Get to know the name of the story , what a kiss is and how many kisses.

    Listen and read, try to say the bodies they see in the story.

    Read the story book and try to find out the order of the bodies.

    Skim the story and find out the amount of the kisses on the different bodies.

    Find out the family members who kisses the baby girl.

    Retell the story with the teacher.

    Students answer: Ten kisses …

    Students ask: … on tiny toes.

    Stage 3. Act out the story in groups.

    1. Five students a group and try to act out the story.

    2. Show time.

    Arrange the roles. Then try to act out the story in groups.

    Some groups act out the story in front of the class and the others watch and judge which group is the best group.

    Stage 4. Extension

    Before you go to bed, kiss your mum for good night. (Group work)

    Good night kisses

    A kiss on mum’s face.

    _____ kisses on mum’s _____ .

    _____ kisses on mum’s ______ .

    _____ kisses on mum’s ______ .

    _____ kisses on mum’s ______ .

    I love you, mum. Good night!

    Try to say out the bodies words they’ve learned.


    Try to create a new chant.

    Stage 6.Homework

    -Creat new chants of Good night kisses for other family members and share in next class.


    tiny busy belly little closing tired


    toes feet button chin nose hands ears eyes (身体部位用图片代替文字进行板书)



    en nine eight seven six five four three two one

    mum dad sister grandma

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