• Revision - Unit 4 We love animals(复习课)

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    Revision - Unit 4 We love animals

    佛山市禅城区南庄镇吉利小学 黎毅峰


    本课是人教版英语三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals的复习课。本课通过使用经典绘本“Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see?”把本单元与第二单元颜色进行知识整合,帮助学生复习巩固动物和颜色单词,并在此基础上进行词汇的拓展与运用。


    1. 学生能够理解故事大意,并在概念图和老师的帮助下复述故事;

    2. 学生能够在小组中表演故事;

    3. 学生能够在概念图的帮助下把动物和颜色词汇进行整合。

    4. 通过阅读绘本故事,培养学生的学习兴趣。


    1. 在故事创设的情境中复习动物和颜色单词;

    2. 阅读理解故事“Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see?”并完成相应的任务。




    Teaching stages

    Teacher’s talk

    Student’s activities

    Stage 1. Warm up and lead in.

    1. Greeting.

    2. -Let’s say a chant. (书本P39韵文)

    3. -What animals are in the chant?

    -Do you like animals?

    -Today we’re going to enjoy a story about animals.


    Say the chant.

    Answer the questions.

    Stage 2. Reading

    1. Before reading

    Talk about the cover.

    -What’s this?

    -What colour is it?

    -The name of the story is Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see?

    -The story is written by Bill Martin Jr, illustrated by Eric Carle.

    2. 1st reading

    -What the video of the story and tell me: What animals do you see in the story?

    -Yes, we see a ... (教师边说边贴板书。)

    3. 2nd reading

    -Read the story book and reorder the animals on the board.

    -What does the bear/horse/... see?


    -What colour is the bear/horse ...


    4. Retell the story twice.

    -Look at the blackboard and the mind-map, try to retell the story.

    1st: Teacher Asks: Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see? ... ...

    2nd: Teacher answer: I see a red bird looking at me. ... ...

    Answer the questions

    Get to know the name of the story and who’s the write and who’s the illustrator of the story.

    Watch the video and try to say the animals they see in the story.

    Read the story book and try to find out the order of the animals.

    Skim the story and find out the colours of the animals.

    Retell the story with the teacher.

    Students answer: I see a red bird looking at me. ... ...

    Students ask: Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see? ... ...

    Stage 3. Act out the story in groups.

    1. Five students a group and try to act out the story. (教师提醒学生先分好角色,每人两个角色,最后学生部分齐读。)

    2. Show time.

    Arrange the roles. Then try to act out the story in groups.

    Some groups act out the story in front of the class and the others watch and judge which group is the best group.

    Stage 4. Create a new story.

    1. Complete the mind map.

    -Besides these animals, what else animals do you know?

    -What else colours do you know?


    2. Assign task.

    -Choose some of the animals and the colours in the mind-map and try to create a new story in five-student groups.


    2 students —— cut off the animals and glue the pictures.

    2 students —— colour the animals.

    1 student —— complete the sentences in the story book.

    Try to say out the animals and colours words they’ve learned.


    Try to create a new story.

    Stage 5.


    - Complete the story and act it out in groups.

    - Share the new stories in next class.


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    • love
    • unit
    • animals
    • we
    • revision
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