• The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Science Pre

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    The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Science (Second Edition)Preface

    Author:R. Keith Sawyer

    attachment:The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Science Preface.docx

    FullText:Sawyer 2014 The cambridge handbook of the learning sciences.pdf

    Related Resource:http://isls-naples.psy.lmu.de/objectives/index.html 

    Please choose the chapter you prefer as your task in the semester and mark your name under the title of each chapter. 

    Ps: If there had been a lecturer under one chapter , you can also mark your name after the former name. I will do some ajustment according to the lecture time and other course elements.

    1. Introduction: The New Science of Learning (R. Keith Sawyer)

    lecturer's name: (刘倩,朱肖川)

    • Part I. Foundations

    2. Foundations of the Learning Sciences (Mitchell J. Nathan and R. Keith Sawyer)

    lecturer's name: (朱肖川)

    3. Scaffolding (Brian J. Reiser and Iris Tabak)

    lecturer's name: (朱肖川)

    4. Metacognition (Philip H. Winne and Roger Azevedo)

    lecturer's name: (朱肖川)

    5. A History of Conceptual Change Research: Threads and Fault Lines (Andrea A. diSessa)

    lecturer's name: ()

    6. Cognitive Apprenticeship (Allan Collins and Manu Kapur)

    lecturer's name: (李冀红,李子运)

    7. Learning in Activity (James G. Greeno and Yrjö Engeström)

    lecturer's name: (开心)

    • Part II. Methodologies

    8. Design-Based Research: A Methodological Toolkit for Engineering Change ( Sasha Barab)

    lecturer's name: (徐刘杰)

    9. Microgenetic Methods (Clark A. Chinn and Bruce L. Sherin)

    lecturer's name: (李子运,李波)

    10. Analyzing Collaboration (Noel Enyedy and Reed Stevens)

    lecturer's name: (徐晶晶)

    11. Frontiers of Digital Video Research in the Learning Sciences: Mapping the Terrain (Ricki Goldman, Carmen Zahn, and Sharon J. Derry)

    lecturer's name: ()

    12. A Learning Sciences Perspective on the Design and Use of Assessment in Education ( James W. Pellegrino)

    lecturer's name: (徐刘杰)

    13. Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics (Ryan Baker and George Siemens)

    lecturer's name: (李冀红)

    • PartIII.PracticesthatFosterEffectiveLearning

    14. Project-Based Learning (Joseph S. Krajcik and Namsoo Shin)

    lecturer's name: (王洪渊,开心)

    15. Problem-Based Learning (Jingyan Lu, Susan Bridges, and Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver)

    lecturer's name: (王洪渊)

    16. Complex Systems and the Learning Sciences (Uri Wilensky and Michael J. Jacobson)

    lecturer's name: (王洪渊)

    17. Tangible and Full-Body Interfaces in Learning (Michael Eisenberg and Narcis Pares)

    lecturer's name: (张文卿)

    18. Embodiment and Embodied Design (Dor Abrahamson and Robb Lindgren)

    lecturer's name: (张文卿)

    19. Videogames and Learning (Constance Steinkuehler and Kurt Squire)

    lecturer's name: (刘倩)

    • PartIV.LearningTogether

    20. Knowledge Building and Knowledge Creation: Theory, Pedagogy, and Technology (Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter)

    lecturer's name: (苏友)

    21. The Social and Interactive Dimensions of Collaborative Learning (Naomi Miyake and Paul A. Kirschner)

    lecturer's name: (苏友)

    22. Arguing to Learn (Jerry Andriessen and Michael Baker)

    lecturer's name: (【此处有冲突!张文卿,李波)

    23. Informal Learning in Museums (Kevin Crowley, Palmyre Pierroux, and Karen Knutson)

    lecturer's name: (王琦)

    24. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Gerry Stahl, Timothy Koschmann, and Daniel Suthers)

    lecturer's name: (苏友)

    25. Mobile Learning ( Mike Sharples and Roy Pea )

    lecturer's name: (徐晶晶)

    26. Learning in Virtual Worlds (Yasmin B. Kafai and Chris Dede)

    lecturer's name: (王琦)

    • Part V. Learning Disciplinary Knowledge

    27. Research in Mathematics Education: What Can It Teach Us about Human Learning? (Anna Sfard and Paul Cobb)

    lecturer's name: (李子运)

    28. Science Education and the Learning Sciences as Coevolving Species (Nancy Butler Songer and Yael Kali)

    lecturer's name: (徐刘杰)

    29. Learning Historical Concepts (Mario Carretero and Peter Lee)

    lecturer's name: (阿博)

    30. Learning to Be Literate ( Peter Smagorinsky and Richard E. Mayer)

    lecturer's name: (阿博)

    31. Arts Education and the Learning Sciences ( Erica Rosenfeld Halverson and Kimberly M. Sheridan)

    lecturer's name: (阿博)

    • PartVI.MovingLearningSciencesResearchintotheClassroom

    32. Learning Sciences and Policy Design and Implementation: Key Concepts and Tools for Collaborative Engagement (William R. Penuel and James P. Spillane)

    lecturer's name: (王琦)

    33. Designing for Learning: Interest, Motivation, and Engagement (Sanna Järvelä and K. Ann Renninger)

    lecturer's name: (李冀红)

    34. Learning as a Cultural Process: Achieving Equity through Diversity ( Na'ilah Suad Nasir, Ann S. Rosebery, Beth Warren, and Carol D. Lee)

    lecturer's name: (【此处有冲突,李波,开心)

    35. A Learning Sciences Perspective on Teacher Learning Research (Barry J. Fishman, Elizabeth A. Davis, and Carol K. K. Chan)

    lecturer's name: (徐晶晶)

    36. Conclusion: The Future of Learning: Grounding Educational Innovation in the Learning Sciences (R. Keith Sawyer)

    lecturer's name: (刘倩)

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