• 教学理论与学习理论的关系

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    李艳娜 学习理论与教育理论1.doc

    Learning Theory and Teaching Theory

    Teaching theory and learning theory is the theoretical basis of education technology. We have to understand the difference between teaching theory and education theory. Help us better learning education technology.

    Learning theory and teaching theory has a lot of differences. Learning theory focuses on how to learn, It describes learning how to form and factors that affect learning. Learning theory study is to explore the human nature and formation of the psychological theory of wit. Teaching theory research of the phenomenon, the problem, general principles of teaching. It also study using and follow the rule method to solve the problem of practical teaching strategies and techniques. Through the concept we know there is a big difference in both. Teaching theory is concerned with promoting learning rather than description.They focus on different objects. Teaching theory focuses on how to teach, Learning theory focuses on the essence of learning. They all have their own different theoretical system and method. Due to their focus of attention, thus both be short of one cannot.

    Learning theory and teaching theory also has a lot of similarities. They are all on the basis of psychology. They are all in order to promote teaching efficiency and teaching quality.

    The teaching theory and learning theory have distinction to have connection again already. They are the theoretical basis of education technology, Both be short of one cannot.




    • 标签:
    • education
    • 教学理论
    • teaching
    • learning
    • 学习理论
    • theory
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