• 新疆农二师223李娜英语Unit 6 Happy Birthday !教学设计

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    • 223团李娜英语Unit 6 Happy Birthday !教学设计


    本课为新版小学三年级英语上Unit 6 Happy birthday!的内容。教材的第一课时为Let’s talk. Count and say.以及How many…?句型的问答,第二课时则以Let’s learn. Let’s chant.教学为主。因为数字1-10学生并不陌生,因此本节课我将书上的第一第二课时合并为一课时,确定围绕买生日礼物为主线,并重新确定本课的教学内容为复习数字1-10,拓展数字30,45以及单词toy car, yo-yo。句型How many…? 拓展句型How much? How old? 除此外,本节课我设定了“如何进行环节衔接,过渡语的选择“的小课题,不但要解决这个问题,还要通过师生交际,两两交际,小组合作,chant等活动掌握新知,拓展内容以及阅读材料的听说。





                     2、听,说,读,写句型How many …?

                     3、听、说、读拓展单词 Yo-yo, toy car。

                     4、听说拓展句型How much?以及回答 …  yuan 。

                     5、听说拓展句型How old are you?










    1、     创设情境,贴近学生生活实际。

    2、     多媒体课件,充分利用课题组资源,优化课堂教学。

    3、     师生交际,两两交际,歌曲,chant等调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,激发学生学习兴趣。





    Step1: Warm-up.

    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    • Lead in.

    T: My friend Bingbing’s birthday is coming. I want to buy a present for him. Do you want to go shopping with me?

    S: …

    T: OK, Let’s go.

    B、     Revision.

              A: What are these?           B: They are …

              A: What colour?              B: …

    Step 2: New presentation.

    1、     Teaching the new sentence: How many… ?

    A、      T: Do you remember “How many pencils are there in the shop?” Let’s listen to reading1 and answer my question.

    B、      Teaching the new sentences.

    C、      Practice:

    A: How many … ?           B: …

    2、     Teaching the new sentences: How much?

    A:       T: I don’t have enough. Look, 1 yuan , let’s count. How much?

              S: 1 yuan , 2 yuan … 10yuan.

    B:       Practice(use your own things):

              A: How much?             B: …

    C:       T: I want to buy some erasers for him, let’s ask the salesperson “How much is it?”

    D:       Reading 2.

               A: Excuse me?                           B: Yes.

               A: What are these?                      B: They are rulers.

    A: How much are the rulers?              B: Two yuan.

    3、      Teaching the sentence: How old are you?

    A:        T: Do you want to play with Bingbing? Let me introduce him to you. Listen and tell me “How old is he?”

     Reading 3

    •  T: Hello, Bingbing.

    •  B: Hello.

    •  T: How old are you?

    •  B: I am 9.

    •  T: Look, What are these?

    •  B: They are erasers. Is it for me?

    •  T: Yes, of course. Happy birthday to you !

    •  B: Thank you.

    •  T: You are welcome.

    B:        Practice: 

               A: How old are you?          B: I am … years old.

    4、     Let’s chant.

    T: I am happy. I can jump. Let’s chant it together. 

    Jump!  Jump! Jump! One, two, three

    ! Jump!  Jump! Jump! Three, two, one !

    Four and five ! Four and five !

    Jump up high! Jump up high!

    Five! Four! Three, two, one!

    Jump ! Jump ! It’s so fun !

    5、     Sing a song : Happy birthday to you.

    T: It’s time for eat birthday cake, let’s say: Happy birthday to Bingbing.

    6、      Reading 4.

    T: Just now, Bingbing made a wish, listen what’s Bingbing’s wish?

    My birthday

                       Today is my birthday.

                       I cut the cake.

                       My dad got me a truck.

                       My mom got me a red book.

                       I love my mom and dad.

    Step 3: Dialogue.

    1、     T: Here are Bingbing’s presents show.

    Practice and act: 

           A: Hello.                B: Hi.

    A: What are these?       B: They are …

           A: What colour?          B: …

    A: How many … ?         B: …

    A: How much?             B: …

           A: Bye.                  B: See you.

    2、     Writing something about Bingbing: Fill in the blanks.

    Hello, I am ______.I am a ___. Today is my birthday. I am____ years old(岁).  I have many presents(礼物). Look, I have ___     _______. They are _____. They are ____ yuan.

    3、     Topic: Introduce yourselves.

    For example: I am Bingbing. I am a boy. I am short. I am 9 years old. I like pencils.

    Homework: Finish the exercises.

    • 标签:
    • birthday
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 听说
    • 教学设计
    • lets
    • 交际
    • 句型
    • 英语
    • 拓展
    • jump
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