Sorry, I 'm Busy

Thomas studies English at a Shanghai University. Eva is also in his class. She is from Guangzhou. Thomas likes Eva. He wants to ask her to see a film.

Thomas:   Hi, Eva. You look very nice today.

 Eva:        Hi. Sorry, I forgot your name.

Thomas:   I'm Thomas Chow. I'm in your English class.

 Eva:         Yes. You always smile at me.

Thomas:   Yes! I smile because you're the best student in the class.

                     You're very clever and your English is especially good.

Eva:          Thanks, Thomas. You're very kind.

Thomas:    Eva, do you like watching films?

Eva:        Yes, I do. There are lots of good cinemas in Guangzhou.

Thomas:     Do you want to go the cinema tonight?

                     Oh! Sorry, Thomas. I'm having dinner with my uncle and aunt.

Thomas:     Do you want to go to the cinema tomorrow night?

 Eva:             Sorry, I'm playing basketball tomorrow night.

Thomas:     What about Saturday afternoon or night?

  Eva:          Well, I'm doing my homework in the afternoon. And I'm going 

                     shopping at   night I want to buy a new handbag.

Thomas:       I know a lot about handbags. I can help you.

Eva:          Sorry, Thomas. I'm going shopping with my aunt.  My uncle 

                      was ill recently  I want to ask her about him.

Thomas:      What about next week? I'm free every night.

 Eva:         Let me see. I'm watching TV on Monday night. I'm phoning 

                     my friends on Tuesday night. I'm looking at the Internet on

                      Wednesday night. I'm washing my hair on Thursday night 

                       and I'm brushing my teeth on Friday night.

Thomas:  Maybe you don't want to go to see a film with me.

Eva:     You're very clever, Thomas.  Bye!


Fill the spaces with words from the table below. You can only use each word once.

 aunt      best       busy         class     dinner

  handbag      her      him     likes       she

Thomas is in the same (1)_____as Eva at Shanghai University. He met 

Eva one day and told her that (2)__________ looks very nice. Thomas 

thinks that she's the (3)_________student in class. He (4)___________

 her. Thomas wanted to take (5)______ to the cinema, but she could not 

because she was having(6)____________ that night. Thomas also 

wanted  to help Eva buy a (7)______, but she will go shopping with her

 (8)________. Eva will be (9)_______ every night next week. Eva does not

 want to see a film with(10)________  .

