Fran talks about lots of different things. Match each paragraph with one of these words or phrases. Write them in the boxes.   

      a) food                b) animal             c) your own room 

     d) the weather          e) being lonely         d) being friendly

 Dear Zhang Li,

1. You say you are worried about staying in London with an English  

   family. Are you worried about the cold weather? Take some warm

   clothes with you. But remember because it is often cold there,

   people's houses are usually very warm. You may be too warmm,

   not too cold. 

2. Many British people have pets. Most pets are very friendly and not

   dangerous. They won't hurt you. In one or two days, you will stop

   being afraid of them.

3. You will have  your own bedroom in the family's house. The family

   will not come into your room, if you don't want them to. If you want

   to go to someone else's room, always knock at the door and wait

   before you go in.

4. Most people are worried about food and meals. Most families know 

   that you eat different food and many will try to give you something

   you like. Be ready to try to English food. But don't be afraid to say

   'No, thank you', if you really don't like it.

5. Ask to help people. Try to talk to people. If you are polite, if you are

   ready to talk to and laugh with people, you will not make them away.

   They will enjoy having you in the house.

6. If you get lonely, you can phone your parents. But always ask the

   family first, before you use the phone. That's polite.

Be excited about your wonderful visit and look forward to it. Best

 wishes to you and your friend. Have a great time!

Good luck!

