一. 教材分析:

        本课是PEP小学英语四年级下册 Unit3  Weather  B Let’s learn. 是本单元的第五课时.教材分Let’s  learn, Let’s play两个部分。本课是一节词汇新授课。主要教学内容为rainy,  snowy,  cloudy , sunny和windy五个单词,和句子What’s the weather like in .....? It....and...... Today it’s ....and....in....

二. 学情分析:

        四年级的学生经过一年多的英语学习,对英语的词汇和句子已经有了一定的基础。在本单元的A.Let’s talk, Let’s learn学习了学习了表示天气的形容词:warm, cold, cool, hot.理解并熟知了几个地点的词语:Beijing. Harbin, Lhasa, Hong Kong. 学习了句型This is the weather report. It’s....in....都为本课时的学习奠定了基础,降低了难度.四年级学生的思维仍然以形象思维为主.喜欢唱歌,做游戏.   

三. 教学目标:

1. 学生能够听、说、认读五个描述天气的单词:rainy, snowy, cloudy,sunny,windy.
2. 学生能够在语境中理解world, Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并能正确发音;
3. 学生能够熟练运用句型:What’s the weather like in....? It’s....and ....Today it’s ...and...in...来询问或是描述天气情况。

四. 教学重、难点:

学会五个有关描述天气的单词:rainy, snowy, cloudy,sunny,windy.
1. 容词的正确发音和构词规律,即末尾有字母y,发/i/音。
2. 几个重要城市的名称和地理位置。

五. 教学方法:


六. 教学准备:

教师准备:PPT 课件,卡片,字条,奖励小卡片

七. 教学过程:

Step 1: 创设情境,综合复习:(4分钟)
1.free talk:
T: Yes,it’s sunny today.It’s a beautiful/fine/nice day. Yeah ? We will take a trip today.
2.Dialogue 1:
T: Please guess which city we're going to go to ? Which city do you like?
S: I like.....
T: (教师出示城市图片)Where is it ? What’s the weather like in....? Then talk about the weather of these cities.
A: Hello!
B: Hi!
A: What’s the weather like in ...?
B: It’s...today.
A: How about ...?  Is it…?
B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Step 2:听读新知,初步感知:(14分钟)
1. T: These cities are very beautiful. But today we aren’t going to these cities. We are going to the cities all over the word. Look at the picture. What’s this.
S: It’s a map.
T: Yes, it’s a map. It’s a word map.
T:(教师出示世界地图)This is Beijing,the capital of China.
This is Moscow,  the capital of Russia.
This is London,  the capital of Britain. 
Here is Sydney,  a city in Australia.
Here is Singapore,  the city is a small country.
教师指图领读城市的名称:Moscow、London、Sydney 、Singapore。 
T:Today we are going to travel to these cities.Look! This is the road map of the trip.The first stop is London.The second one is ...... Now,let’s go.
2. 教授新词:rainy,snowy,cloudy,sunny和windy
3. Flash game.
4. Let’s say.
5. Pair-work.

Step 3:情境交际,巩固新知;(5分钟)
Dialogue 2:
T: These cities are so interesting.But we are tired.let’s watch TV for a rest.let’s watch the CCTV1. Oh, Here’s the world weather.
Key words:Here’s the world weather.Today it’s hot and sunny in Sydney.It’s ___and ___in _____.
[设计意图] 通过设计另外的一个情境,让学生把本课所学知识在另外的一个小情境当中进行感知,巩固,为综合说部分的灵活运用做铺垫。

Step 4: 拓展听读,整体感知:(12分钟
拓展一:Bill’s day.
Q:What’s the weather like in Shanghai?
拓展二:What’s the weather like?
Q:What’s the weather like?

Step 5: 综合运用,灵活表达:(5分钟)
T: The last stop is Baodai primary school.In our school,we need a little weather reporter. Who want to be a little weather reporter?
Dialogue 3:
Task1: Little weather reporter.
Hello,This the weather report.
It’s        and        in       
Thank you!
Task2: Make a dialogue.(结合我们之前学过的句型,和以下句型两人一组自编对话.)
A: What’s the weather like in        ?
B: It’s      and       .
A: How’s the weather like in       ?
B: It’s        and       .
A: Is it        in          ?
B: Yes, it is./No,it isn’t. It’s       in       .
A: Can I go outside now?
B: Yes,you can.you can play football ball/fly a kite/sing a song.
/No, you can’t. It’s cold/hot outside.

Step 6: 小结
     Good weather makes us happy, Bad weather makes us sad! The weather always changes.Please take care of yourself.

Step 7: 家庭作业
     Listen to the weather report of some cities. Then discuss it with your friends.(听城市天气预报并和朋友讨论。)

Step 8: 板书设计
                                                                    Unit 3  Weather

What’s the weather like in         ?
It’s          .