• Web-Based Training Overview

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    • Web-Based Training Overview

    MANY CORPORATIONS have begun to make the move from instructor-led classroom training to Web-based training (WBT). There are several important factors to consider before making such a switch. This article outlines some important considerations for Web-based training.

    • Advantages of Web-Based Training

    Web-based training has the potential to offer many advantages over traditional instructor-led training. If done well, advantages of Web-based training may include:

    Web-based training has the potential to reach a larger, more geographically dispersed audience.

    Provides standardized training ensuring a consistent message across the corporation.
    Decreases time employees are away from their jobs.
    Web-based material can be easily adapted for different audiences (unlike print-based material).
    WBT is better than print-based material for unstable or rapidly changing material that needs to be updated often.
    Training is more convenient for employees -- it is anytime, anywhere. Just in time training means they don't have to wait for a class that is only taught once a month.
    Training is available to a larger audience - the same WBT course can be distributed to desktops around the world.
    The company saves money on travel expenses, instructor/trainer costs, classroom facilities costs, and packaging/distribution costs.
    Training can be customized and tailored to the company's culture.

    • Disadvantages of Web-Based Training

    While many companies are jumping on the Web-based training bandwagon, it is important to remember that WBT does have some drawbacks. Some potential disadvantages include:

    Bandwidth limitations can place constraints on certain media types. All learners must have adequate bandwidth to access WBT.
    Initial development costs can be more expensive than development costs for print-based or instructor led training.
    WBT may require longer development time. 

    Learners need opportunities to practice and need to receive feedback.

    Learners must be self-directed learners and comfortable using the Web.
    WBT tends to have higher drop out rates than classroom training.
    Learners are more likely to be distracted or interrupted when engaged in WBT at their work space
    So far it is difficult to measure the Return on Investment or to quantify the results of WBT
    It is difficult to provide opportunities for practice and feedback with WBT. Learners don't have opportunity to ask questions if they don't understand.
    It is difficult to develop tests that will measure the learner's understanding of the material.
    WBT may not be as effective as face-to-face instruction when training soft-skills. It usually lacks crucial practice and feedback elements.

    • Recommendations

    Use WBT as a pre-requisite for a classroom training session. Have learners do pre-reading and pre-work via the Web before coming to the classroom.
    Include some form of interactivity in WBT-- synchronous or asynchronous chats, exercises, activities, case studies, scenarios, quizzes, etc.
    Make sure your learners have the technical capability and motivation for self-directed learning on the Web.
    Use WBT for technical or procedural training, reserve classroom time for soft skills type training that requires some form of face-to-face interaction.
    Supplement WBT with job aids and printable material.
    Repurpose existing content.
    Use WBT as a refresher.
    Great option for computer savvy audiences.
    Give them the facts, but include details as an option ("Tell me more" links to additional information).
    Customize the information to the learner's corporate culture or specific interests. Make it personally relevant -- don't just deliver the facts.

    • Author

    Karen J. Boyle

    Educational Technology Graduate Student, San Diego State University

    • 标签:
    • based
    • overview
    • costs
    • material
    • web
    • training.
    • learners
    • wbt
    • training
    • classroom
    • web-based
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